These days, most of the restaurants consist solely of a brand which include a basic website focusing on their menu, their delivery service is, of course, always in front, with no dining space at all.

Some other which has sit-down spots have incorporated mobile ordering, payment, and delivery into their business models to meet the demands of younger consumers who expect that everything can be done through their smartphone.

Photo source: Toronto Star via Getty Images

According to a report from the National Restaurant Association, “Harnessing Technology to Drive Off-Premise Sales,”:
39% of restaurant customers have used the drive-thru channel more this year than last year, 34% have used delivery more than a year ago, and 29% have ordered takeout more often than last year.

Source: 2019 National Restaurant Association and Technomic, Inc.

No doubt the industry is moving and changing really fast. But as consumers go, so goes the restaurant industry and right now, consumers are moving faster than ever.

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